In an effort to learn python I am working my way through the Advent of Code challenges. Advent of Code is a coding challenge done during the holiday season every year, its a fun way to keep your skills sharp. It is also a great way to try and learn a new language because it gives you some focused challenges to figure out how the new language works to solve the problem. Check it out here
My full solution is on github here
Part 1 Solution
import os #Get File Path script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = "Day1_Input.txt" abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) def is_int(value): try: int(value) return True except: print(value) return False def do_frequency_calibration(): finalFrequency = 0 with open(abs_file_path) as fp: for cnt, frequency in enumerate(fp): if is_int(frequency): finalFrequency += int(frequency) print(finalFrequency) return do_frequency_calibration()
Part 2 Solution
import os #Get File Path script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = "Day1_Input.txt" abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) def is_int(value): try: int(value) return True except: print(value) return False def main(): intialFrequency = 0 calculatedFrequencies = [] calculatedFrequencies.append(intialFrequency) with open(abs_file_path) as f: inputData = f.readlines() inputData = [x.strip() for x in inputData] inputFrequenciesChanges = inputData do_calc(inputFrequenciesChanges, intialFrequency, calculatedFrequencies) def do_calc(frequencyChanges, currentFrequency, calculatedFrequencies): iFoundTheSecondFrequency = False for frequency in frequencyChanges: if is_int(frequency): currentFrequency += int(frequency) if currentFrequency in calculatedFrequencies: iFoundTheSecondFrequency = True print("Found second frequency: ", currentFrequency) break else: calculatedFrequencies.append(currentFrequency) if iFoundTheSecondFrequency == False: print("checking list again") print("Current Frequency: ", currentFrequency) print("Num items in CalculatedFrequencies: ", len(calculatedFrequencies)) do_calc(frequencyChanges, currentFrequency, calculatedFrequencies) else: return main()