Getting Started with Kubernetes by Nigel Poulton, begins your journey into understanding Kubernetes and how it has become a crucial platform for container management. The major cloud service providers have jumped on the Kubernetes bandwagon and have their own K8 service offerings, to make your container management even easier. However, I would still recommend getting a base understanding of how it all works before diving into a specific cloud providers implementation. This course will teach you the fundamentals of the Kubernetes architecture and how the platform comes together to make container management a breeze. Once you get through the theoretical, the rest of the course is dedicated to hands on experience. By the end of the course you will have installed and deployed a Kubernetes cluster along with a simple application.
What is Kubernetes?
Created by Google
Open source
Written in Go
Managing containers at scale
K8s – short hand for kubernetes
Data center is a computer – pool of compute network and storage – Application developers do not care where code is run
Competitors – Docker Swarm / Mesosphere os
Platform Agnostic
Cluster manager / orchestrator – give it work to run and it makes the decisions on where to run it
Kubernetes Architecture
Orchestrator for microservice apps that run on containers
Pods individual container deployments
Masters – cluster controller
Nodes – group of pods working together – do the work – report back to masters
Deployment definition in YAML file – file given to K8s cluster and deploys app in the cluster
Common setup on a single machine
Free of user workloads – No Pods
Contains an API – kube-apiserver – consumes json – accepts the YAML deployment file
Cluster store – persistent storage – config – uses etcd (Open source key/value store)
kube-controller-manager – Node controller/Endpoint Controller/Namespace controller – watches for changes
kube-scheduluer – watches apiserver for new pods – assigns work to nodes
Nodes (Minions)
Kubernetes workers
Kubelet – agent – watches for work / instantiates pods / reports back to master / registers node with cluster / endpoint 10255
Container engine – pulling images / starting & stopping containers
kube-proxy – network brain / 1 IP per pod / light weight load balancing within in a node
Operates on declarative model – YAML or JSON – describe desired state
Manifest files – records of intent – desired state of the cluster
Continues to keep actual state in sync with desired state – reconciliation loops
Atomic unit of deployment
Containers run in pods / multiple containers can run in a pod
Sandbox to run containers
Multiple containers in a pod would share the pod environment (tight coupling)
Unit of scaling is done by adding pods not by adding containers in a pod
IP Churn when pods die and are recreated
Created with YAML manifest – point front end pods to service – load balances requests to back end pods
Stable abstraction point for pod communication
Labels tie the service and backend pods together – load balance over
Helpful for rolling updates and keeping multiple versions around until deployments have settled
Only send traffic to healthy pods
Can point to things outside the cluster
Can be configured for session affinity
Uses TCP by default
Random load balancing by default
Self documenting
Spec once / deploy many
Simple rolling updates and rollbacks
REST Objects
Deployed vie YAML or JSON manifests
Deployed Via the apiserver
Add features to replica sets
Multiple concurrent versions – blue green deployments / canary releases
Installing Kubernetes
Minikube – local dev environment
Creates local vm and spins up a single node cluster
localkube binary – runs the master and node
container runtime – docker default or rocket
$kubectl – kube client
minikube dashboard – opens dashboard in browser
Google Kontainer Engine
K stands for Kubernetes
Layered on top of google compute engine
Google cloud platform
Kubernetes as a service
AWS with kops (Kubernetes operations)
kops handles AWS infrastructure for kubernetes
No kops binary for windows/mac
Need kubectl, kops binary, AWS CLI
Need IAM Account Creds in AWS
Need properly configured DNS
Subdomain delegated to AWS Route53
Manual Install
Every (Master/Node) needs – Docker / Kubelet / Kubeadm / Kubectl / CNI
kubectl apply – weave-kube-1.6 (weavenet) – pod networking
Working with Pods
Smallest atomic unit of scheduling
Pod containers 1 or more containers
Pod gets single IP (network namespace)
Each container would need to be on a different port
Inter-pod communication is done on the Pod network – each pod can talk to each other by IP
Intra-pod communication is done through the localhost
Atomic deployments – pod cannot be “partially” up
Manifest file
Send to api server to get scheduled
Pending state
When a pod dies they are replaced – new one with same config can take place
Manifest contains the KIND of resource to deploy
kubectl get pods – gets pods in default namespace
Replication controller implements desired state
Do not interact directly with pods – use higher level resource – replication controller
Kubernetes Services
REST Object defined in a YAML file
Service creates reliable – IP /DNS / Port
Requests are load balanced across the pods
Service contains an updated list of Pod IPs
Service uses a label selector which allows the flexible load balancing
ClusterIP – Stable internal cluster ip
NodePort – Exposes the app outside of the cluster by adding a cluster-wide port on top of clusterip
LoadBalancer – Integrates NodePort with cloud-based load balancers
Kubernetes Deployments
Rolling updates – seamless rollbacks
Deployments manage replica sets and replica sets manage pods
YAML deployment file given to api server
Creates replica set with pods
Push an update – make changes to same YAML deployment file
Rolling update – This will create a new replica set with the new changes bringing up 1 pod at a time and pulling down 1 pod at a time from the old version (Configurable)
Replica set is still there – only pods are removed and the replica set is spun down – roll back would just put the original pods back
Should put deployment YAML file in version control
minReadySeconds – determine how many seconds before marking ready and moving to the next
strategy – define rolling update procedure
–record flag – audit history of deployment versions