Pluralsight Notes – Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core

Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core by Wes Higbee, is a great introductory course on everything you need to know to get your .net core application running in a container.  By the end of this course you will be able to build and run your application inside docker, as well as provide an optimized image for deployment.  All of this is done through the command line and the use of dockerfiles, with a final section on Visual Studio’s built-in docker support.  Learning all of the commands necessary to build and run an application in a container, gives you a better appreciation for what the built-in support is doing and how to troubleshoot and future problems.
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Pluralsight Notes – Getting Started with Kubernetes

Getting Started with Kubernetes by Nigel Poulton, begins your journey into understanding Kubernetes and how it has become a crucial platform for container management. The major cloud service providers have jumped on the Kubernetes bandwagon and have their own K8 service offerings, to make your container management even easier. However, I would still recommend getting a base understanding of how it all works before diving into a specific cloud providers implementation. This course will teach you the fundamentals of the Kubernetes architecture and how the platform comes together to make container management a breeze. Once you get through the theoretical, the rest of the course is dedicated to hands on experience. By the end of the course you will have installed and deployed a Kubernetes cluster along with a simple application.

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