How to truncate text in an Angular Material UI table cell

Working on a recent project using Angular and Material UI, I needed to be able to truncate the text in one of the cells of a Material table. Here is the simplest way I have found to accomplish that.

//Add this to your css
mat-cell > span.truncate-text {
    text-overflow: ellipsis; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap;
//Wrap the long text in a span with a class of truncate-text

<ng-container matColumnDef="longtext">
  <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> LongText </mat-header-cell>
  <mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">
    <span class="truncate-text">{{element.longtext}}</span>

Another Option to Fix 3.3v Pin Issue in White Label Disks Shucked From Western Digitial Easystore Drives

If you have a home NAS device or home server and are looking to upgrade your storage, you already know how expensive the NAS rated drives can get.  There is a pretty large following of people who purchase WD Easystore external drives when they are on sale and “shuck” them (basically open up the enclosure and remove the drive, do so at your own risk because this will void the warranty).  As of this writing, WD Easystores have been coming more and more with White Label drives, which from a lot of research online is, for the most part, a re-branded red label drive.  In fact, for a long time, the Easystores actually came with WD Reds right from the store.  

Continue reading “Another Option to Fix 3.3v Pin Issue in White Label Disks Shucked From Western Digitial Easystore Drives”

2018 MakerGeeks 3D GeekBox Review Roundup and Why I Am No Longer A Subscriber

Back in March of 2018, I began my subscription to the MakerGeeks 3D GeekBox.  It was a rocky road, culminating in my October, November and December boxes being canceled and refunded.  As of now I have canceled my subscription and will not be resubscribing anytime in the near future.  As I have said in my monthly reviews, I do believe the filament is great quality for the price, however, the execution and logistics have been horrible.  Not just with the GeekBox but with general shipping and inventory, it seems as though they frequently have items available for sale on their website but no actual inventory to back it up.  As of the new year, they have revamped their website and pricing structure, maybe they are trying to rectify the current logistical issues, we will have to wait and see.

Previous monthly GeekBox reviews are here:

The previous reviews give a glimpse into what I and many others have dealt with when subscribing to the monthly GeekBox.  Some months were hit or miss, with regards to timing and content.  The final straw that lead to my subscription cancellation and a refund of the final three boxes of the year started in October when I was double billed for my GeekBox.

Continue reading “2018 MakerGeeks 3D GeekBox Review Roundup and Why I Am No Longer A Subscriber”

Pluralsight Notes – Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core

Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core by Wes Higbee, is a great introductory course on everything you need to know to get your .net core application running in a container.  By the end of this course you will be able to build and run your application inside docker, as well as provide an optimized image for deployment.  All of this is done through the command line and the use of dockerfiles, with a final section on Visual Studio’s built-in docker support.  Learning all of the commands necessary to build and run an application in a container, gives you a better appreciation for what the built-in support is doing and how to troubleshoot and future problems.
Continue reading “Pluralsight Notes – Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core”

Workaround – Google Sign-In without Google+ API with MVC .NET and Owin

A few years back I created a small custom application for a client that utilized their Google logins for authentication.  The web application was written with ASP.NET MVC and utilized Katana/Owin pipeline.  The common practice to setup that application with Google sign in was to also enable the Google+ API.  If you have done this then like me you have received an email recently that explains, as of March 2019 the Google+ API’s will be shut down.  I have spent the last few days trying to read through the documentation to understand what needs to be done to fix this, without completely switching up the current login flow, however they don’t seem to make this transition easy for .NET applications.  Thankfully I finally found the answer I was looking for, a workaround posted in GitHub comments, to address this exact issue.  For those of you who are in the same boat as me have a look at this comment .  I have made the changes recommended here and I can verify that my Google Sign-In is now working again without the Google+ API enabled.

Advent of Code 2018 – Day 1

In an effort to learn python I am working my way through the Advent of Code challenges.  Advent of Code is a coding challenge done during the holiday season every year, its a fun way to keep your skills sharp.  It is also a great way to try and learn a new language because it gives you some focused challenges to figure out how the new language works to solve the problem. Check it out here

Continue reading “Advent of Code 2018 – Day 1”

Pluralsight Notes – Getting Started with Kubernetes

Getting Started with Kubernetes by Nigel Poulton, begins your journey into understanding Kubernetes and how it has become a crucial platform for container management. The major cloud service providers have jumped on the Kubernetes bandwagon and have their own K8 service offerings, to make your container management even easier. However, I would still recommend getting a base understanding of how it all works before diving into a specific cloud providers implementation. This course will teach you the fundamentals of the Kubernetes architecture and how the platform comes together to make container management a breeze. Once you get through the theoretical, the rest of the course is dedicated to hands on experience. By the end of the course you will have installed and deployed a Kubernetes cluster along with a simple application.

Continue reading “Pluralsight Notes – Getting Started with Kubernetes”

How to Save Money on MakerGeeks 3D Geek Box Subscription

If you are currently a Geek Box subscriber or looking to subscribe, the best thing you can do is pay attention to the coupon codes and promotions MakerGeeks emails out.  Currently they are running a 30% off coupon MASS30, what might not be common knowledge is that these coupons can usually be applied to your monthly Geek Box subscription cost.  If you go to your subscription management page, it will show you the most current renewal date.  Underneath that box there will be an option to Apply a discount code, enter in MASS30 and it will take $8.98 off of your next Geek Box renewal.

Continue reading “How to Save Money on MakerGeeks 3D Geek Box Subscription”

Eventstore – Extra Statistics Option on Persistent Subscription – Where is it?

When creating a new persistent subscription in EventStore, there are many options to configure. The extra statistics option was a peculiar one, once enabled there is no indication on what it is doing and where you can see the extra statistics. My previous post about viewing more detailed information on an EventStore persistent subscription likely gave away the answer, the json result of the info link for the persistent subscription has a connections collection. With extra statistics enabled you will see statistics gathered for each connection. Continue reading “Eventstore – Extra Statistics Option on Persistent Subscription – Where is it?”

MakerGeeks 3D Geek Box Review – September 2018

For most of the month of September the continual hype of this month’s geek box continued to roll into my inbox. This months geek box was in celebration of MakerGeeks 2 years of geek boxes. September was the first month of the geek box subscription roll out. The hype was for a geek box this month worth $100. Well that’s exactly what everyone got, a $100 gift card to use at Maker Geeks. To get my gift card I had to purchase it using a coupon code MakerGeeks provided to me in an email. I have already redeemed my gift card and used a portion of it. All in all pretty successful geek box this month, good work MakerGeeks.