MakerGeeks 3D Geek Box Review – August 2018


The theme for the August box takes its inspiration from a movie quote “You’ll Shoot Your Eye out Kid,” from the movie A Christmas Story. This revolves around the project for this months box a Mini-Crossbow.


The project for this month was a mini crossbow, keeping with the “A Christmas Story” theme –


This box actually arrived on August 31st, which is a huge difference then the previous 2 months of boxes. One thing I did change was when my monthly subscription is processed, I moved it to renew on the 1st of the month. I am not sure what order they process the boxes in but if it is based on when the subscription is renewed it would make the most sense to set the renewal date to the first of the month. I previously had it on the 20th of the month. I am not sure if this month the colors were the same across all boxes, but I was pretty happy with the color choices as I don’t have either of those colors, and the Crystal Series, translucent filaments create some cool looking prints. I did see some reviews of the “Random Theme” boxes last month where other people received Yellow filament, which could lead some to getting multiple months of the same color.


I would say that the fact that I received my box on August 31st, maybe they are turning things around, however I do know of some others who are still waiting on their July box and no updates on their August box. The only thing I can say is this was the first month I switched my renewal date to the 1st of the month and I got my box quickly, we will see how the next month goes. Another ding against this months box is it didn’t have any 3D Printing extras which I do enjoy getting. Being someone who is very new to the hobby any little extras really set the box apart from just a monthly subscription of filament. At a certain point I can only use so much filament before it begins to stock pile, the extras are why I am taking this month to month at this point.