Below are links to questions I have contributed to on StackOverflow. If you have time or any of the questions interest you take a moment to review the question and answers. If you feel one of the answers appropriately answer the question, then please vote that answer up to better serve the community and future users looking for an answer to a similar question.
- Power BI dynamic filtering according to user account
- how to connect to Power BI API using non-interactive authentication?
- How can you fetch data from an http rest endpoint as an input for an Azure data factory?
- Can’t find firewall settings for SQL Server
- Is Azure Data Factory suitable for downloading data from non-Azure REST APIs?
- Azure Data Factory – Bulk Import from Blob to Azure SQL
- Azure Data Factory – Multiple activities in Pipeline execution order
- Aligning columns in MVC4 Index.cshtml
- Error trying to move data from Azure table to DataLake store with DataFactory